The votes have been tallied! Today we are releasing the results of Zagat’s Philadelphia Restaurants Survey, covering more than 650 restaurants based on the combined opinions of 5,000 local diners. Ratings and reviews are available today on and across Google products, including Search and Maps.

Philadelphians dine out 3.7 times per week and are among the most generous tippers in the country, leaving a reported 19.8%, second only to Austin diners, who leave 20%. The average spend on dinner out in Philly is $37.07 per person, which is below the national average of $39.40.

This year’s crop of Zagat-rated restaurants include a mix of classic favorites and exciting newcomers at every price point. Big winners are Vedge (Top Food), XIX Nineteen (Top Decor), Fountain Restaurant (Top Service) and Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant (Most Popular). Good food doesn’t have to break the bank as evidenced in this year’s list of Best Buys ($25 & Under): 1. Dinic’s 2. Capogiro 3. Sweet Lucy’s Smokehouse 4. Honest Tom’s Taco Shop and 5. Cafe Lift.

According to 26% of diners, Italian is their favorite cuisine. Check out the city’s Top Italian restaurants as well as other favorites, American (17%), French (9%), Seafood (9%), Steakhouses (7%) and Japanese (6%).

Eight-five percent of respondents say they seek out online menus before choosing a restaurant, and 67% report making their restaurant reservations online. 84% admit to having eavesdropped on a conversation at the next table, and 67% of them say they “love” farm-to-table dining.

Be sure to visit to search and discover Philadelphia’s best restaurants.

Posted by Yoji Yamaguchi, Zagat Senior Editor

Today we celebrate Miami’s 30 under 30, the city’s up-and-coming culinary movers and shakers. This year’s class is a talented and diverse bunch, including chefs, mixologists, a social media maven and even a beekeeper.

Be sure to check out the full round-up of honoree bios and photos as well as Miami’s 30 under 30 by the Numbers below.

 Posted by Tiffany Herklots, Zagat

このたび、Google アナリティクスと AdSense のリンク方法をよりシンプルに改善しました。さらに、複数の Google アナリティクス アカウントとリンクできるようになりました。

Google アナリティクスと AdSense をリンクすることで、AdSense のパフォーマンス レポートよりきめ細やかなサイト分析ができます。

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Posted by Matthew Anderson - プロダクト マネージャー
2014 年 11 月 12 日

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In den kommenden Wochen solltet ihr eine Umfrage per E-Mail erhalten. Wenn ihr daran teilnehmen möchtet, sollte ihr bei nächster Gelegenheit die folgenden Schritte ausführen:

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Post von Adriana Satmarean, AdSense Publisher Happiness Team

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自分にあった広告配信の方法や動画プレーヤー ツールを選択する際には、動画広告ソース インタラクティブ ガイドがおすすめです。このガイドでは、適切な動画プレーヤーを選ぶことができ、Google の広告配信ソリューション(IMA SDK)をプレーヤーに組み込む方法も学べます。テスト用のサンプル ページを作成にもご活用ください。
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Posted by Greg Sanders - AdSense 最適化スペシャリスト
2014 年 11 月 3 日